Prayer Ministry at The Great Southwest Prayer Center

We seek to reach every family, the community, our nation, and even the world with the Gospel of Christ by tilling the spiritual soil, “praying” forth God’s workers, and asking God on behalf of the nations. We would love for you to join in on the action. For information on how to be involved, stop by the Great Southwest Prayer Center office, or call us at  281-646-1903 or email


Need prayer? text "I need prayer" to (833) 264-3892

Prayer Center Hours*

Monday-Thursday 8am-4:30pm
Friday 8am-1pm & 6pm-10pm
Sunday 8am-4pm

*Also open off hours during Audience of One worship & prayer services. See Audience of One Calendar for details.

The Great Southwest Prayer Center   Prayer Wall   


Lifestyle of Prayer

Did you missed our Lifestyle of Prayer class that was offered this summer? You can watch our video recording below! Learn to live a lifestyle of prayer by following Jesus' prayer life. Join us for this 4 weeks class all about being a house of prayer and living a lifestyle of prayer like Jesus.

Suggested Reading: “Reading the Bible for All it’s Worth” by Gordon Fee

Class topics:

Download Class Guide

  1. Week one: Introduction | The Holistic Approach to Prayer (Samantha Rude) 
  2. Week two: Jesus’s Lifestyle of Prayer | Identity in Christ (Son To)
  3. Week three: A Practical Lifestyle of Prayer (Alesha Garvin) 
  4. Week four: Praying Ministry Panel | Q&A | What is the GSWPC? Text in your questions to us.

Lifestyle of Prayer Workshops

We are offering 2 Lifestyle of Prayer workshops this Fall. You are invited to join us whether you have taken the Lifestyle of Prayer courses or not. These workshops will help you live out James 5:16 in your daily life: "The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."


Does God Still Heal Today? - Sept 15, 3-5pm
Does God Still Speak Today? - Sept 29, 3-5pm

Register Here


Audience of One Fall Rally

Friday, October 11, 2024 @7pm

Join us for an evening of snacks and friendship in the Great Southwest Prayer Center. We will share the vision of A1 and have a sweet time of prayer and worship together. All ages are welcome!

Question? Contact Kesha Tincopa

Click Here to RSVP




Want to serve in PRAYER MINISTRY?

Prayer Ministry is looking for people who hunger for the presence of God and want to lead others to Jesus for healing, encouragement, and comfort.

Sign Me Up



Healing Prayer Training: Oct 20, 12:30-3:30pm

Because of the sacrifice Jesus made for us, we are able to walk in full restoration; by His wounds we are healed (I Peter 2:24). You are invited to come learn how to minister healing led by Alesha Garvin, Director of Prayer Ministries. 

Prophetic Prayer Training: Nov 17, 12:30pm-3:30pm

Believers can learn to hear God's voice and share it with others to encourage and build eaCh other up. Watch this video about Listening Prayer and then come learn and experience hearing God's voice led by Stephanie Leggett, director of the Prophetic Prayer Ministry.





The Moravian Room

This room is available 24-7 for prayer. The Moravians conducted 24-7 prayers for 110 years straight.  We desperately desire for God to do in our midst what He did amidst the Moravians… and even more! You can obtain an after business hours access code into the Moravian Room of our Prayer Center. Your code must be renewed on an annual basis. Please choose your option below.

I don't have a code & would like to get a code:

Request Code & Sign AGREEMENT FORM

I need to renew my access code:

Renew my code


The Various Ministries of Prayer

Freedom & Healing


Our ministry team is comprised of believers trained to carry out the Lord’s mandates, helping people receive and walk in Jesus’ promises; to be set free from sin patterns, heaviness and depression, controlling fears, and spiritual footholds.  All is done by using our authority in Jesus’ name through specialized prayers of intercession, confession, repentance, and blessing.  


To either receive prayer or serve others in this ministry contact:

Healing Prayer

At the heart of the Freedom & Healing Ministry is a passion to see the power of God’s kingdom released in people’s lives through the anointing of the Holy Spirit and a supernatural touch of God through the power of prayer.  The members of the team partner with God to see a person become free from disease and pain.  Healing is one of the ways that God shows His glory because it points us to Jesus. Healing Prayer is open every 4th Sunday of each month from 10:45 am – 12:30 pm.  No appointments are needed.  All are welcome.


Generational Healing Service

Neil Anderson, author of Victory over the Darkness, says that “the iniquities of one generation can adversely affect future ones unless those sins are renounced and your new heritage in Christ claimed.”   The Generational Healing Service is held each year in January and will help believers recognize sin patterns in their families, renounce them, and claim the blessing of Abraham as promised in Galatians 3:13-14.  You will learn how the enemy takes advantage of believers by stealing their blessings and how to defeat that plan.  Corporate prayers will lead the believer to intercede for their families, break any revealed generational sin patterns, and claim the blessing of your inheritance.  Communion will complete the service as a sign of Christ’s redemptive work. To register, contact This service can also be offered to small groups.


Soul Therapy (Steps to Freedom in Christ)

Soul Therapy is an in-depth spiritual inventory of the believer’s life from birth to the present that will help reveal hindrances to a closer walk with Christ.  Spiritual footholds that block the abundant life promised by Christ are defeated through aggressive prayer.  Believers are instructed how to gain and live consistently the life of victory and abundance as they learn their true and victorious identity in Christ. For those who feel burdened and stuck spiritually even after applying the spiritual disciplines of prayer, fasting, Bible study, and worship, Power Encounter will help believers gain freedom from oppressive thoughts and behaviors and will learn how to maintain their victory in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Soul Therapy & Power Encounter are by appointment and are confidential, as well as gender appropriate.


For Me to Live is Christ Class

Rather than “trying to live the Christian life,” which still centers on our own efforts, as Christians we need to allow Christ to live His life in us.  This removes all reliance on human effort and frees us to become totally Christ centered.  The message of this 8-week class, based on Dr. Charles Solomon’s book of the same name, is the “exchanged life,” whereby the believer learns how to exchange the life lived in the flesh for the life lived in the Spirit.  The flesh is defined as “the soul’s selfish and distorted perceptions, values, identity messages, and coping mechanisms that have been learned independently of God.”  This spiritual growth study explores the triune makeup of man as spirit, soul, and body, as well as our spiritual psychological and physical makeup. This class is offered each January.


Victory Over the Darkness Book Study

Based on the book Victory Over the Darkness, by Neil Anderson, this study offers ways to defeat the powers of darkness that attack us daily by renewing our minds and becoming the person Christ has empowered us to be.


Spiritual House Cleaning

If you are experiencing unexplainable circumstances and phenomena in your home; continuous family problems as if a “dark cloud” is over the family/home, our Freedom In Christ ministry team, conducts spiritual housecleaning by using specialized prayers of warfare, renunciation, and consecration. To setup an appointment, please contact


Prophetic Prayer

Prophetic Prayer is available to prayerfully hear the voice of the Lord in order to encourage, edify, and exhort believers for His purpose in their lives. This ministry is Biblically structured on 1Cor. 14:3, Joel 2:28,  and Acts 2:17 and it is available on the 2nd Sunday of the month from 10:45am - noon in the Great Southwest Prayer Center. Contact Prayer Ministry at 281-646-1903, or email for more information.

Audience of One (Prayer Room)

Audience of One is the name of our live prayer and worship sets in the prayer center. It is a corporate expression of worship and prayer to our Audience of One, the Lord our God.  Facilitated by churches in the Katy/West Houston area, it is a love offering to the One that first loved us.  Audience of One is a gathering place where people can hear the heart of the Lord as they share their heart with Him. All are welcome and you are free to come and go as you like.


Check out the schedule for the times, days, topics and who is leading.



Audience of One is designed to allow everyone in the room to enter into the worship and prayer that is being presented before the throne of God.  In the ambiance of warm lighting, you may engage in the topical prayers that are being offered, you may sing with the presented worship, or you may silently offer up your own heart-felt prayers. The setting is such that you may find peace in the presence of the Lord. For your convenience, there are tables set up throughout the room providing a place to study the Word. Or, if you prefer, you may visit the various prayer stations strategically located around the perimeter of the room.  Finally, feel free to express your worship at the Art Wall, use the available supplies, or bring your own. Come just as you are. Perhaps bring your Bible, a journal, your laptop, even a bottle of water or a cup of coffee (no other food or beverage is allowed in the prayer room).


Altar Team

The Altar Team is a trained group of intercessors who are available to pray with people Sunday mornings during our Prayer Altar time. Those interested in being a part of our Altar Team please contact Prayer Ministry at (281) 646-1903 or email

Prayer Team & Electronic Prayer Wall

A team of 150+ intercessors that DAILY pray for the requests others have walked in, phoned in, or submitted through the Prayer Wall. The Prayer Wall is updated Monday through Friday, around noon. You are invited to visit the Prayer Wall to submit a request and to pray for needs that others have submitted. Join the Prayer Team and receive a DAILY email reminder to visit the Prayer Wall.


Sign Me Up!     View Prayer Wall

The War Room

Serving as the daily collection spot, the War Room is staffed with volunteers that gather each precious prayer request, and intercede on the requestor’s behalf. These prayer requests are then posted on the Prayer Wall for the Prayer Team to completely soak the requests in prayer.  You are invited to submit a request on the Prayer Wall by clicking on the red button below.  You can also walk in and receive prayer.

The War Room team also makes phone call to our members & regular attenders and pray for them. For those whom we do not have their phone numbers, our team would send them a prayer card by mail.

If you would like to serve either as a three-hour day captain or a one-hour prayer volunteer, praying with and for others on the phone, through sending prayer cards or prayer calls, contact Prayer Ministry at (281) 646-1903 or email

View Prayer Wall

Prayer Groups

Pre-Worship Prayer

This is a time, set aside for Pastor Jim Leggett and our worship team to pray along with our church members, each Sunday morning at 8:20am at the altar rail. For more information email Allen and Nancy Lord at

Unreached People Groups (UPGs)

This group pray for our adopted Unreached People Groups (UPGs) every first Sunday of the month from 12:30-1:30pm in the Prayer Center.  You are needed! The Harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Come pray to the Lord of the Harvest believing in the great, mighty, miraculous things He’ll do among our UPGs.  For more information contact the Prayer Ministry office at 281-646-1903 x151 or email

Alpha Prayer

Alpha Prayer is a part of the Alpha course in the Spring and Fall and meet to pray for all the participants going through Alpha while the Alpha course is in session, Tueseday 6:30-8:30pm. To see the dates of the Spring and Fall Alpha course go the Adult Ministries page. Contact Son To for more information at

Sweet Hour of Prayer For Our Nation

This group pray for our nation's revival and for Christian principles to be upheld in our country. They meet every Wednesday in the War Room from 1-2pm. For more information contact Penny Nelson at

Prayer Life 2.0

This prayer group gather together once a week to pray for Grace Fellowship Church, for revival to fall on this church, the city of Katy, and the nation. They meet in the War Room of the Prayer Center every Thursday from 7-9pm. For more information contact the Prayer Ministry office at 281-646-1903 x151 or email







The Great Southwest Prayer Center is located inside the Ministry Building of Grace Fellowship Church. It was consecrated as a community prayer room by pastors in the city on January 17th, 2007. Follow the link below to take a tour and to get more information about the GSWPC.


The Great Southwest Prayer Center



The Great Southwest Prayer Center also houses Audience of One: live worship and prayer to our Audience of One. Our desire is that one day this will happen 24/7. Follow the link below to find out more and to view the daily schedule of live sets.


Audience of One


Prayer Room Calendar

View our prayer room calendar to stay up to date on the latest events and schedule. Click here if you have trouble viewing the calendar below.

Slide the calendar <--- left or right ---> to scroll across the calendar.

Calendar legend - (A1): Audience of One Prayer Meeting; (E) Event; (OM) Open Ministry Time; (P) Small Group Prayer Meeting