Volunteer at Vacation Bible School

Help Disciple the Next Generation!

It takes over 200 volunteers to run our VBS, and there are many areas to serve!


If you have a preschooler (8 weeks or older, or has not completed Kinder as of 23-24 school year) we offer VBS programming for them while you volunteer!



Kids Summer registrations open March 30th!


WHEN: June 10-13th from 9am-12pm

WHO: Kindergarten- 4th grade (for the 2023-2024 school year)

COST: $10


Join us in a world of wonder that will delight our senses while captivating our hearts and minds at The Great Jungle Journey: An Epic Cruise from Genesis to Revelation! VBS is an engaging, strategic, fun-filled week to set the tone for the Very Best Summer (VBS)!


We had an incredible VBS! Check out the recap HERE!




WHEN: August 5-7th from 9am-12pm

WHO: 5th graders (for the 2023-2024 school year)

COST: $10


Formerlly called "VBX", our LAUNCH theme this year is ALL IN! Our 5th graders will be encouraged to go ALL IN with their faith- heart, soul, mind, and strength. We will play games, have fun, do small group activities, worship, hear creative, relevant teachings, and did we mention have fun?!

Registration has closed.

Looking for Special Needs VBS registration and Special Needs Camp information? Click HERE.