Volunteer at Vacation Bible School
Help Disciple the Next Generation!
It takes over 200 volunteers to run our VBS, and there are many areas to serve!
If you have a preschooler (8 weeks or older, or has not completed Kinder as of 23-24 school year) we offer VBS programming for them while you volunteer!
Kids Summer registrations open March 30th!
WHEN: June 10-13th from 9am-12pm
WHO: Kindergarten- 4th grade (for the 2023-2024 school year)
COST: $10
Join us in a world of wonder that will delight our senses while captivating our hearts and minds at The Great Jungle Journey: An Epic Cruise from Genesis to Revelation! VBS is an engaging, strategic, fun-filled week to set the tone for the Very Best Summer (VBS)!
We had an incredible VBS! Check out the recap HERE!
WHEN: August 5-7th from 9am-12pm
WHO: 5th graders (for the 2023-2024 school year)
COST: $10
Formerlly called "VBX", our LAUNCH theme this year is ALL IN! Our 5th graders will be encouraged to go ALL IN with their faith- heart, soul, mind, and strength. We will play games, have fun, do small group activities, worship, hear creative, relevant teachings, and did we mention have fun?!